Laser Hair Removal Post Treatment Care

Laser hair removal is a painless method to remove hair permanently. It is an effective choice for experiencing a gradual transformation of hairy skin to fuzz-free smooth skin [1]. Attending a couple of laser sessions will improve your confidence levels and save time, as there will be no need to wax, shave, pluck, or thread the treated area [2]. However, if you have scheduled a laser hair removal session this week, then knowing about the aftercare treatment is essential. Whether it is laser treatment for removing facial hair or body hair, you can stay assured of getting permanent results [3]. Being prepared after your laser hair removal will help you stay assured of achieving perfect results through the procedure. Though most people do not face serious side effects after a laser session, you might face skin sensitivity. Following the right aftercare steps will help alleviate mild symptoms like sensitivity and enjoy the best results. Paying attention to the treated area in the first 24 hours after a laser hair removal session will benefit the long run.

Skin Care Immediately After Laser Hair Removal Treatment

As soon as your laser session for hair removal is over, the process doesn’t stop there. Pamper your skin with loads of love to get satisfactory results and buttery smooth skin. The best thing about opting for laser hair removal treatment is that there isn’t any downtime for recovery [4]. And no tedious aftercare might affect your work routine or regular life. You can go to work, meet friends, or have your favorite food after the laser session while keeping a few skincare pointers in mind.

1. Apply Ice to The Treatment Area

It is natural for the skin in your treated area to have reddishness, irritation, or slight swelling, as it might be extremely sensitive after the laser treatment. You can apply ice to the sore skin several times after laser therapy and the next day. Icing the treated area once in 5 minutes will help reduce the mild side effects within 24 hours of your laser session.

2. Choose Loose Outfits

Remember to stock up on loose clothing to wear as soon as your laser session for hair removal is over. Tight clothing might cause your sensitive skin to develop irritation or chaffing when rubbing on the treated site. Make sure you pack a couple of loose clothes to wear after the laser hair removal. Wearing clothes made with airy and breathable fabrics is recommended. Choose clothing like sweatpants to allow your skin to breathe and soothe it for better recovery.

3. Stay Away From Heat

Soon after your laser session, your skin will feel for the next 24 hours. So, avoiding all forms of heat is recommended. Avoid taking hot showers, hot tubs, sauna visits, and visiting hot pools for 24 to 48 hours after the laser therapy. Enjoy taking cool showers and pat dry the area with a soft towel.

4. Stay Away From Sun

The UV rays of the sunlight can be harmful to treated skin, as your skin will be highly sensitive and might develop burns [5]. Put on a huge hat with a wide brim and loose clothes to cover the treated area completely. If venturing out during the day after your laser treatment, apply sunscreen with high SPF content like SPF 30. Do not try to tan your skin under the sun or use tanning beds for 2 weeks after your laser appointment. You can even schedule your laser session during winter months, as there is no need to have concerns about sun exposure and skin damage.

5. Use Recovery Cream

Your dermatologist would prescribe you a post-laser or recovery cream to calm the irritated skin that feels hot. You must apply the recovery cream thrice a day within 24 hours after the laser session and continue it for several weeks. You can also use aloe vera gel loaded with hydrating and skin-nourishing ingredients, which helps it form a hydro-film to lower reddishness. Aloe vera gel can also reduce skin inflammation and irritation soon after the laser hair removal session.

6. Don’t Touch The Treated Skin

Though running your fingers along the freshly lasered body can be tempting, refrain from touching the treated area. Avoid touching the treated skin to reduce risks like bacterial infection in open pores.

7. No Deodorants

Resist the temptation of dabbing your favorite perfume or deodorant for at least 24 hours after laser hair removal, as it can lead to skin irritation. Some of the fragrance ingredients can mess with your sensitive skin, which might cause rashes or infections [6].

8. Keep Your Skin Moisturized

Soon after your laser hair removal, moisturize the treated skin with a light moisturizer or apply a thin Vaseline layer thrice daily to keep irritation and dryness at bay.

9. Stay Cool and Avoid Sweats

Keeping the skin on the treated area cool and dry for 24 hours after your laser treatment is essential to prevent it from sweating. This would help avoid skin infections and irritation. Do not indulge in activities like swimming or visiting the gym from 24 to 36 hours to help the skin heal faster.

10. Avoid All Kinds of Skin Irritants

As already discussed, your skin will be highly sensitive after laser treatment, so you must not use any skincare products for 24 hours after the treatment. Avoid using medicated face washes, soaps, scrubs or peels with harsh ingredients. You must also avoid using any type of prescription products like retinoids for up to 36 hours after the laser session. Do not apply makeup on lasered skin to prevent clogging of pores.

Tips to Enhance and Maintain Results

  • Avoid scheduling another laser session for 4 to 6 weeks to help your skin heal fully after the previous procedure.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking enough water to help your skin replenish the lost moisture and promote faster healing.
  • After 5 days of laser sessions, you can exfoliate the skin on the treatment site to eliminate dead skin cells, which cause reddishness.
  • Avoid waxing or plucking your body hair after and in between your laser appointments, as the hair follicles must be present for the laser to target the hair follicles.
  • Resist the urge to pick or scratch the dry skin or scabs that form after the laser session to avoid infection and scarring.
  • Avoid skin exfoliating products with ingredients like salicylic acid or glycolic acid, astringents and toners to promote the healing process.
  • Use fragrance-free skin hydration creams that contain glycerin or hyaluronic acid to revitalize and soothe the skin.
  • Consume an antioxidant-rich diet to lower inflammation, improve skin healing, and neutralize free radicals. Include citrus fruits, green tea, kale, spinach, berries, and water-content-rich vegetables and fruits in your diet to accelerate the skin healing process.
  • To allow your skin to heal well, do not tweeze, scrub, scratch, wax, or rub the skin on the treated area to prevent the application of pressure on it.
  • Do not go swimming for 48 hours, as the pool will have water with high chlorine content. Similarly, lakes, springs, rivers, and seas will contain algae and bacteria, leading to skin irritation.
  • Do not try shaving or using depilatory creams on the treated skin for at least a week after laser hair removal.
  • Make sure you attend every follow-up session of laser hair removal treatment to monitor your progress and adjust if needed to optimize the results.

Managing Possible Side Effects

Most people experience minimal discomfort or a few mild side effects after a laser hair removal session [7]. It can be reassuring to learn about the normal reactions after your laser session and how to manage them to continue with your regular activities.

  • Irritation and Redness: Your skin will be very sensitive and feel raw for a couple of hours after the laser therapy. You might feel a mild sensation similar to a razor burn or sunburn [8]. You can tackle this mild side effect by applying a cold compress several times to ease the discomfort. Apply aloe vera gel or a soothing cream to prevent redness or irritation [9].
  • Laser Bumps: If your treatment area has dense hair with a coarse texture, the presence of laser bumps on the skin is an indication that you had an effective session [10]. These bumps are called folliculitis and will subside after a few days of treatment. Avoid sweating activities and tight clothes. Apply Vaseline or hydrocortisone cream to resolve it.
  • Itchiness: It is natural to experience itching after the laser treatment, which can be resolved by using OTC antihistamines or applying 1% hydrocortisone cream. Refrain from scratching the treatment area.
  • Crusting: This rare side effect may occur in a few people after the redness subsides [11]. Keeping your skin moisturized with a nourishing cream or lotion and using antiseptic cream will be beneficial [12]. Avoid using any products that are heavily perfumed and not formulated for sensitive skin to prevent irritation.
  • Hair Loss: It occurs in the treatment area after 5 to 30 days of laser treatment. Though it might look slightly patchy, it will even out gradually, and you will see visible hair-free results.

Wrapping Up

Laser hair removal is a beneficial procedure that ensures no hair regrowth. Even if there is regrowth, the hair is pale in colour and delicate, making it barely visible [13]. Following these aftercare instructions will help you improve the health of the treated skin to promote healing, resulting in a hairless and smooth body. Even though only some people might face slight side effects, learning how to manage is essential to optimize the healing process. Make an appointment with the skin experts at Kolors Hair and Skin to get a silky, smooth, hairless body as soon as your laser sessions are complete.

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